USS Hornet’s courageous last stand in 1942

"Bomb explodes belowdecks" by Tom Lea. 1943, U.S. Army Art Collection
The Guadalcanal campaign in the autumn of 1942 ranks among the most complex military operations in U.S. history. American forces in the South Pacific were faced with Japan's experienced armed forces. As a result, a kaleidoscopic series battles occurred on land, and in the air and seas of the Solomon Islands. (Left) Associated Press correspondent …

His Bunkie

There were many words that you could not stand to hear and finally only the names of places had dignity. Abstract words such as glory, honour, courage, or hallow were obscene. Ernest Hemingway, in A Farewell to Arms, 1929. "His Bunkie" by William James Aylward, 1918, U.S. Army Art Collection Among more than 700 pieces …

To be a Marine in World War II

Semper Fidelis has always been more than just a hollow slogan to Marines. These two simple Latin words, meaning "always faithful," are the motto of the Marine Corps.

D-Day on Iwo Jima in color

The campaign for Iwo Jima was one of the best documented in World War II. Marine combat cameramen and photographers accompanied the 3rd, 4th and 5th Marine Divisions through every phase of the battle, A few of their images of D-Day on Iwo follow.

Hell was an island named Bougainville

World War II saw America's armed forces deployed literally across the globe. Never before or since have our service members performed their duties in so many places. Some parts of the world – especially in Europe – were easily identifiable, but others were almost impossible to find on a map. More than one serviceman scratched …

Always the Rice Paddies

American Soldiers and Marines fought across all kinds of terrain during the Vietnam War, from mountain peaks to urban sprawl. Although rice paddies were but one landscape in-country, they serve as a powerful and evocative symbol of the conflict.